A visit to the Cavendish Pavilion and the Tithe Barn
date_range | Date | 2018-09-04 |
copyright | Copyright | YDNPA |
photo_camera | Photographer | Andy Kay |
person_outline | Credit | Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority |
Other info
exposure | Exposure | 1/250 |
camera | F Stop | 4/1 |
filter_center_focus | Focal length | 70/1 |
exposure | ISO | 100 |
photo_size_select_large | Dimensions | 3000x2001 |
attachment | File size | 0.91mb |
Tags: national park, meadow, landscape, estate, pasture, grass, rural area, tree, abbey, monks, historical, ruin, monestary
Categories: Bright, Cloudy, Summer, Architecture, Attractions, Historical / Heritage